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Feel free to share any of these posts. There are no copyrights on any of them, they are for anyone, anyplace, anytime for whatever reason. All of my love, from a man who just simply misses his son, and believes in the decency of people around the world,

**To reach the author of this blog Mike, the best email account is a silly one, but goes right to my phone. Technology is so cool. Its Thank you for reading this blog, and its been such a good project, in that it has helped others and me as well. May you all live life to the fullest, we have no idea when it shall be our last "dance."

With much love, I am proud of the Angelman Syndrome Foundation. If you can help them, and families with this condition, please consider donating to them at They are on Charity Navigator, and have done a phenomenal job over the years, on the awareness and research side.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Great Outdoors: Spiritual Refuge for Many

Simply put, I have loved the outdoors since probably before I could walk. While everyone has their own favorite place, that helps to bring them even more alive, there is no better place to be than out walking on hundreds of acres of farmlands and woods. This past week out hunting, I did spend a lot of time looking for my quarry, but also there was a decent amount just enjoying "the moment." The past month has been difficult, as it is the third anniversary of my son Tommy's passing, but yet I am grateful, and in awe of the beauty God has provided us. I thought a lot about him out on the grounds I was on, which were once where bloody civil war fighting occurred, and there's a house on the property where Robert E Lee slept. It was eerie as night fell, and yet at the same time, the day was a joyous one.

Each person grieving losses in life, has to find a place where they can call a sanctuary. Whether that is a church, out on the golf course, or any spot that makes them comfortable, that is essential to your health and keeping your spirits up. Watching the sun rise over the horizon, a bear off in the distance on top of a ridge, and having a mouse in my hunting blind were a lot of fun. Getting the chance to just simply take in the beauty of the Virginia countryside, while walking around the thickets, was something that is keeping me going this morning. While I wish I was still there, a part of me still is, as just thinking about this area keeps my heart full of passion, along with reminding me of the blessings that all of us have.

Its so calming, to just be in an area with no cell phone coverage, out in the middle of nowhere. You really think about life in another perspective. I thought a lot about just all of the blessings over the year, and also about my boy, who I do miss very much. There were no tears here, but rather just solemn prayers and appreciation for the chance to be out here. Parents who have lost a child, I highly recommend finding a place like this. They are everywhere, no matter what state or country you live in. Get outdoors and just spend a day in solitude. It is very refreshing, and a way to realize what is important. That is not getting over the loss of your son or daughter, as that is simply impossible, but getting through, and realizing that even after tragedy, you can grow in ways that you never thought possible.

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